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Brisbane Park Infant School


Tawny Owls 2023/2024

Welcome to the Tawny Owl Class

Mrs Muldoon is our class teacher. Miss Hagen teaches us on a Thursday afternoon.
Miss Grisedale works in our class as a senior teaching assistant every morning.

We have PE on a Monday and a Friday with our sports coach Tom. 

Please remove all jewellery on these days. 

Summer Term 2024
We are excited about our Summer Term. 
In English we will be looking at different versions of Traditional Tales. We will also be doing work on the story Katie in London and looking at books about castles. We will also be exploring different poems by Michael Rosen in our whole class reading sessions and looking at the chapter book The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith. 
In Maths we will be doing work on Fractions, Time, Statistics, Position and Direction and Problem Solving. We will be carrying on with our morning challenges too. 
Science for this term is Plants and Making Connections. 
Art will be Painting adn Mix Media and lots of carnival work fun. 
DT will be Making a Moving Monster. 
Our Geography topic is What is it like to live in Shanghai? 
Our History topic is What is a monarch? 
Computing is Stop Motion and International Space Station. 
Music is On this Island and Traditional Western Stories. 
In PE we are doing Games and Dance. 
RE is How do we know some people have a special connection to God? and How do some people talk to God?
In RSE/PSCHE we will be thinking about Economic well-being and Transistion.

Spring Term 2024
We will be having another exciting term and continuing to learn lots whilst having fun.
In English we will be using the books Handa’s Surprise, Grandma’s List, Once Upon a Raindrop and looking at different poems. For our whole class reading sessions we will be looking at Oliver Jeffers books.
In Maths we will be doing work on Money, Multiplication and Division, Length and Height, Mass, Capacity and Temperature. We will also be doing morning and afternoon challenges on work we did last term.
Science for the first half term is Uses of Everyday Materials, for the second half term it is Animals, Including Humans.
Our Geography unit is Would You Prefer to Live In a Hot or Cold Place?
Our History unit is How was School Different in the Past?
Our Music units are Superheroes and Musical Me.
Our Computing units are Introduction to Data and Scratch Junior.
Our RE units are What do some people believe God looks like? What is God’s job?
In PSCHE/RSE we will be thinking about Safety and the changing body and Citizenship.
In PE we will be doing Games and Karate.

We will be enjoying a class story at the end of each day and the children will select which chapter book they would like to read, we hope to read at least 3 this term!
If there is anything you are worried about or unsure of please come and see me.
Thank you
Mrs Muldoon

Please enjoy looking at our lovely photographs by clicking on the owl saying gallery below, you will see how much fun we have at school.